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Kgl.Bay.Sts.B., Gattung C III Sigl, Name: "Bavaria", Sigl/Wiener Neustadt 1872, Bauzustand 1898, Außenrahmen-Güterzuglokomotive, Ursprungsausführung wie geliefert. Farbgebung: Grün/schwarz, liniert, Rundschlot.
Kgl.Bay.Sts.B. (Royal Bavarian State Railways) class C III, name: "Bavaria", built at Sigl/Wiener Neustadt/Austria in 1872, condition of 1898 as delivered in 1872, freight-train locomotive with external framework. Green and black livery, with pin stripping and regular smokestack.
Best.Nr. 06101 H.L.
The model is exclusively available at our shop only! Please contact us for details, e-mail: microfeinmechanik@hotmail.com. Worldwide delivery!
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