K.P.E.V. Gruppe T0 Omnibustenderlokomotive Nr. 1908 


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Königlich Preußische Eisenbahnverwaltung K.P.E.V., Gruppe T0, Omnibustenderlokomotive mit Verbundtriebwerk, Bauart Hannover, Nr. Hannover 1908, Henschel/Cassel Nr. 1603, Baujahr 1883, Lieferzustand 1883, Bauzustand 1883, Photographieranstrich, Lackierung: Grau/dunkelgrau, weiß liniert.

Best. Nr. 10100 H.L.

Royal Prussian Railway Administration K.P.E.V. class T0, "Omnibus" compound tank locomotive type Hannover, No. Hannover 1908, built by Henschel/Cassel in 1883, condition of 1883. Typical livery for photographing at delivery. in grey/dark-grey, with white pin stripping.

Please call, fax or mail us for shiping terms: microfeinmechanik@hotmail. com. Worldwide delivery!

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